Storm Coming? 4 Tips for Protecting Your Appliances and Electronics from Storm and Hurricane Damage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Bracing for some storm damage or hurricane damage? Learn how to keep your appliances and your electronics safe during extreme weather.
It seems like there’s a new hurricane forming every other month. Whether or not humans have anything to do with the high frequency of strong hurricanes is up for debate.

One thing is for certain, though, and it’s the reality of hurricane damage. You’re faced with extreme stress and preparations to keep your family safe. Many people often forget one element of hurricane preparation: the safety of appliances.

It’s essential that you prep your home’s appliances before a hurricane. The cost of repairs could get extensive if you don’t, and the last thing you want to worry about after a hurricane is your dishwasher.

It’s best to start preparing early. That’s why we’ve compiled four tips to keep your appliances safe during a hurricane.

Preventing Hurricane Damage to Appliances

These tips may seem simple but they’ll save you thousands of dollars in damages. You’ll also be glad to have functioning appliances when the hurricane is said and done.

1. Unplug Whatever You Can

Most appliances plug into an outlet in your home. If left in their plugs, electrical surges could fry all the electronics in your home and render them useless.

Unplug every piece of technology that you have — especially appliances. Surges can occur even when your power is out, so make sure to leave everything unplugged during the storm.

2. Use Surge Protectors When Needed

There will be times that you need to use an appliance during the storm. When you need to plug something in, make sure to run the cord through a surge protector.

Don’t trust the surge protector to hold up throughout the storm, though. Remove the appliance from the socket after using it. If you live in an area that experiences frequent hurricane damage, consider a service-entrance surge protector.

These are surge protectors that operate to protect the entire home. They’re placed between the meter and your service panel and must be installed by a licensed electrician.

3. Shut Off the Water

If you’re going to be leaving your home before the storm, make sure to shut off your water valve. Breaks in pipes and appliance hoses can cause excessive damage to your home. This is especially relevant to washing machines and dishwashers.

Not only will you save your appliances from damage, but you’ll avoid extra water damage to your home as well.

4. Store Appliances on High Ground

There are some appliances that may be too heavy for you to move. Those that are lightweight, however, should be stored in an area of your house that is well above the ground.

This will prevent most flooding from reaching your appliances. If possible, wrap the storage boxes with plastic or a tarp. Doing this will help to combat any water that does reach the storage area.

Already Have Damages?

Sometimes we can’t avoid damage to our home electrical system. Hurricane damage is typically too significant for homeowners to fix themselves. It’s during those times that we need certified electricians.

If you’ve experienced any electrical difficulties in the wake of a storm, contact us and we’ll be happy to help.